Tea Leaf Trail
Also referred to as Taseography or Tasseomancy, tea leaf reading is an ancient practice that involves interpreting patterns observed in used tea leaves.
The bottom of a tea leaf reading cup can look a bit like the wooded path in the picture. Reading tea leaves can be a bit confusing at first but it’s a lot of fun once you begin to see images and symbols in the tea cup and learn how to interpret them. Learning this symbolic language starts with some basic understanding of symbols and then you can then begin to create your personal tea leaf symbol dictionary!
Participants will prepare their tea leaves in a cup (both provided) and will be shown how patterns and symbols, which form in the tea leaves, may be interpreted. We explore the background/history of tea leaf reading and discuss how psychic centres open as we learn practices such as Tea Leaf reading and Tarot. Scrying, which can also be done using tea leaves/cup will also be discussed. There will be a sampling of black, green and white tea as well as a variety of herbal drinks (tisanes).
This is an 8-week course. It is usually held on a Wednesday or Thursday evening at Spencer House on Morris Street. The maximum number of participants is 12. Cost is $125 and a seat is confirmed as soon as a deposit of $50 is received. The deposit is not refundable but can be used as a credit for a future course provided cancellation was received prior to the start of the class in which one has been registered.