Mystical Lectures & Demonstrations
Mystical Lectures & Demonstrations are ideal for conferences and special events as they add light entertainment that is interactive, fun and that is flexible time wise. For those who have been mentally engaging in the ‘business’ of their companies, this is a nice break away that still keeps everyone together. The presentations include a short talk on a topic of a human nature and then either some sample intuitive readings, intuitive exercises or even free dance segments.
These are for any size group but really suit a large audience best. They are great to provide an “interlude” at a conference where the agenda items can be serious, technical or just a large amount of information for folks to absorb. I offer a half hour presentation of any topic listed on the website and the last half hour is part discussion and/or intuitive ‘messages’ to a small sample of the participating audience. A wide variety of lectures are available; some of the more popular options are listed below!
In this sample picture, folks at NSCC IT Campus have just enjoyed the presentation; “Penny for Your Thoughts,” which is an interactive presentation about deconditioning our thoughts and feelings in any areas where they are continuing to produce ‘lack’ results while offering insights into the attitudes and behaviours that result in prosperity. This is the second presentation for this group.
The first was “Good Vibrations: Surfing the Energy Waves,” which is a fun look at what we complain and/or are negative about, how to stay positive in challenging times and the importance of raising and maintaining our energy vibration.
Backpack Blues is about some of the challenges we face in life that seem to repeat or that we feel we carry with us wherever we go as if in a backpack. What can we do to unload some of the weight from our backpacks and have more joy in life?
Divine Me is definitely an interlude from the human condition and is a celebration of our Higher Selves. We call in the energies of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Male to support more balance in our lives. I sometimes use part of the ‘Divine Me’ in combination with other talks.
Mirror-Mirror is about the ways in which other people and experiences mirror to us where we stand in our own personal awareness and development. It can be a ‘light’ look at The Law of Attraction.
Wish You Well is all about how we can support one another. It is a wonderful connective talk and exercise that helps us tap into the healing power of affirmations and blessings.
Digging for Gold is about finding the Truth in an experience, which is the value of every lesson of every experience of our lives. This Truth will lead us to greater awareness, expansion and abundance.
Go Fish is a series of short guided meditations combined with periods of Silence. The intention is to see what comes up out of our subconscious. It can be a great way to connect with our Creative Self, our Inner Voice, the Angels, or just to contemplate and reflect on your life. This interlude is perfect for small groups.
Hanging with the Girls (Channeling the Divine Feminine) is about the creative forces, intuition, inspiration, etc. of the Divine Feminine. I do a 20-30 minute talk on the ancient Goddesses and then provide channeled messages to a sample number of those present.
Please note that not all the specifics of the Mystical Lectures are noted on the website. Please contact me with any questions you may have or to customize a lecture.