
Karen Mombourquette
Karen has been offering intuitive readings for over 30 years. She started teaching Card, Palm and Tea Leaf Readings for Part-time Studies at NSCC in 1999.
She has been a guest speaker at several business and educational conferences. Karen has participated in several fundraising events, including Fashionista Fling-Dress for Success, Feed NS, and the Children’s Wish Foundation Princess Tea Party.
Karen has been featured in several articles including Peter Duffy’s column and has appeared on Breakfast Television, CBC News and was featured on Global TV (February 2014). She co-created the day-long workshop/event “Anchor the Shift,” which was presented at Neptune Theatre.
Karen offers classes in intuition building and continues to be a regular reader at several local Psychic Fairs and Trade Shows throughout the year. She offers readings from her apartment in Central Halifax and is at World Tea House (Halifax/Bedford) on Friday afternoons.
Media Interviews
On March 7th, 2016, Karen was interviewed by Community Radio 97.5’s Holly Poole to discuss tea leaf reading. The interview is broken up in to three parts below. Just click play to learn about Karen and tea leaf reading!