You may want to learn more about the ancient arts of palmistry, tarot, scrying and/or tea leaf reading, psychometry, and crystal and stone harmonizing. Perhaps you would like to improve your intuition and creativity by trying some games and exercises for yourself. Learn more about the benefits of building your intuition and experience a greater connection to your Essential Self by participating in a Mystic Course or Mystic Adventure/Retreat. View the wide variety of services below!

Mystical Parties
Mystical Parties are home parties where participants stay together to hear the readings. I have found it to be a fun and very connective experience for participants. The amount of personal reading time depends on the numbers. For example, if there are 6 people, each will receive about 30 minutes of reading time. Mystic Parties are made up of whatever types of readings, games, etc that the client selects from the offerings noted on the website. I have often selected on behalf of clients. These parties are approximately 3.5 hours long and cost $225. There is an extra charge if distance is a factor. These readings are the most popular but there are other home party readings. See info on larger groups/parties.
Mystical Lectures
Mystical Interludes are ideal for conferences and special events as they add light entertainment that is interactive, fun and that is flexible time wise. For those who have been mentally engaging in the ‘business’ of their companies, this is a nice break away that still keeps everyone together. The presentations include a short talk on any topic noted on the website and then some sample intuitive readings and/or intuitive exercises.

Mystical Readings
Mystical Courses & Adventures
These are interactive sessions ranging from 3.5 hours to overnight events. Workshops are presented to 6-8 people (men, women or both) and are made up of topics chosen by the host from the website. The Mystical Adventure for Women (only) is overnight.

Wise Tarot Class
We will talk about the evolution described in the court cards beginning with the apprentice or Pages of each suit and concluding with the Mastery cards of the Queens and Kings. We will explore how the meanings of cards change as they are in different positions of a spread. There will be a lot of pair work/group work involving practice with the cards and reading spreads. Tips for how to interpret longer card spreads of 9-12 cards will be offered.
Contact me today for your reading!
Contact me today to arrange your reading, party or retreat!